Legal Deposit Act, 1997 (Act No. 54 of 1997)


Legal Deposit Regulations

Part XI : Coordination and Monitoring

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29. The NLSA may appoint an official publications depository coordinator to coordinate the official publications depository service nationally. The official publications depository coordinator will be charged with developing training programmes to be approved by the Legal Deposit Committee, training and assisting of official publications depository staff, marketing the official publications depositories project, establishing links and coordination between official publications depositories, applying the legislation, collecting statistics and compiling an annual joint report to be submitted to the Minister and the Legal Deposit Committee.


30. Decisions regarding official publications depositories have to be made in consultation with heads of provincial library administrations. Communication with provincial official publications depositories will be through the head of the relevant provincial library administration.


31. The NLSA should compile a manual on procedures and guidelines to be followed by official publications depositories to ensure effective and efficient management and service rendering.


32. Cataloguing of official publications will be done centrally by the NLSA, and bibliographic records will be available on the database of the NLSA and the Internet free of charge.


[Part XI inserted by regulation 3 of Notice No. R. 484 of 2001]