Chapter 2 : Registrar of Manpower Training, Training Boards, Training of Apprentices and Attainment of Artisan Status

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12. Appointment of registrar and assistant registrar of manpower training

12A. Establishment of training boards

12B. Accreditation of training boards

12C. Constitutions of training boards

12D. Functions of training boards

13. Designation and definition of trades, and conditions of apprenticeship

14. Demarcation of trades

15. Employment of minors in designated trades

16. Employment and apprenticeship

17. Who may bind himself as an apprentice

18. Registration of contracts of apprenticeship

19. Training of apprentices

20. Employment of apprentices for less than ordinary working time, and loan of services of

21. Repealed

22. Transfer of apprentices and of contracts of apprenticeship

23. Suspension of apprentices

24. Rescission of contracts of apprenticeship

25. Modification of contracts of apprenticeship

26. Contracts to remain binding under certain circumstances

27. Repealed

28. Trade tests

29. Consultation with registrar by training boards