Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000)


Upper Limits of Total Remuneration Packages Payable to Municipal Managers and Managers Directly Accountable to Municipal Managers

9. Offer of remuneration on appointment

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(1)The offer of remuneration on appointment to a senior manager will be determined by the competences, qualifications, experience and knowledge of the candidate considered for appointment.


(2)A municipal council must apply the criteria as set out below to determine the offer of remuneration on appointment:







Relevant qualification.
Applicable to persons who have the relevant 5 years' experience as provided in the Regulations.
Applicable to persons who have acquired competent achievement level as measured against the competency framework.


Relevant qualification.
Applicable to persons who have 5 to 10 years' experience as provided in the Regulations.
Applicable to persons who have acquired advanced competency achievement level as measured against he competency framework.


Relevant qualification.
Applicable to persons who have more than 10 years' experience as provided in the Regulations.
Applicable to persons who have demonstrated a superior competency as measured against the competency framework.


(3)Notwithstanding sub-item (1), if a municipal council is unable to offer the relevant total remuneration package or cannot afford to pay the remuneration as determined in this Notice, a lesser offer may be made by such municipality on appointment.


(4)Despite sub-item (2), if the municipal council is unable to attract suitable candidates or decides to appoint a senior manager falling within the basic range of achievement as measured against the competency framework, the provisions of sections 54A(10) and 56(6) of the Act read in conjunction with item 13 of this Notice shall mutatis mutandis apply.