Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents, 2022

15. Disposal of HBAs

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An employer or self-employed person must—


(a)lay down written procedures for appropriate decontamination and disinfection;


(b)implement written procedures enabling infectious waste to be handled and disposed of without risk;


(c)provide sufficient hazardous waste containers for disposal of used personal protective equipment;


(d)ensure that all fixtures, plant and machinery including vehicles, reusable containers and covers which have been in contact with HBA waste are disinfected and decontaminated after use in such a manner that it does not cause a hazard inside or outside the workplace concerned;


(e)ensure that all employees involved in the collection, transport and disposal of HBA waste and who may be exposed to that waste are provided with suitable personal protective equipment;


(f)ensure that if the services of a waste disposal contractor are used, a provision is incorporated into the contract stating that  the contractor must comply with the provisions of these Regulations; and


(g)ensure that HBA waste that can cause exposure  is treated and disposed of only on sites specifically designated and authorised for this purpose in terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008), in such a manner that it does not cause a hazard inside or outside the site concerned.