Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents, 2022

16. HBAs health and safety technical committee

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(1)The chief inspector must establish an HBAs health and safety technical committee which must consist of—
(a)a person who is to be the chairperson;
(b)two persons designated by the chief inspector from the employees of the Department of Employment and Labour;
(c)three persons designated by employers' organisations to represent employers;
(d)three persons designated by employees' organisations representing the federation of unions;
(e)one representative of each of the professional bodies recognised by the chief inspector; and
(f)one person from the field of HBAs representing a higher educational institution.


(2)The chief inspector may—
(a)authorise the HBAs health and safety technical committee to co­ opt persons who have specialised knowledge of the matters dealt with by the HBAs health and safety technical committee; and
(b)appoint members of the HBAs health and safety technical committee for a period that he or she may determine at the time of appointment.


(3)The HBAs health and safety technical committee must—
(a)advise the chief inspector on HBA related matters, including but not limited to codes, standards and training requirements;
(b)make recommendations and submit reports to the chief inspector regarding any matter to which these Regulations relate;
(c)advise the chief inspector regarding any matter referred to the HBAs health and safety technical committee by the chief inspector;
(d)perform any other function for the administration of a provision of these Regulations that may be requested by the chief inspector; and
(e)conduct its work in accordance with the instructions and rules of conduct framed by the chief inspector.