Postal Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 124 of 1998)


Unreserved Postal Services Regulations, 2020

Reasons Document on Unreserved Postal Services Regulations, March 2020

2. Submissions received on the Draft Regulations and the Authority's response

2.3. Regulation 5 : Minimum Operating standards

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2.3.1.Submission received proposes the deletion of Draft Regulation 5 altogether and further proposes instead that that applicants should include in their registration applications, and  as part of the  business  profile, a statement of their capabilities, which must disclose the details set out at paragraphs 8.5 to 8.7 of SAEPA’s Additional Submissions and Representations dated 27 January 2020.


2.3.2.Authority’s decision Authority has decided to keep Regulation 5 to ensure registrants commit to minimum service standards that are transparent and predictable. This is to further ensure consumer protection against exploitative practices by registrants.