Precious Metals Act, 2005 (Act No. 37 of 2005)

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Notice No. 395 of 2006


1. Definitions

2. Objects of Regulator

3. Functions of Regulator

4. Prohibitions relating to acquisition, possession or disposal of unwrought precious metal

5. Prohibitions relating to acquisition, possession or disposal of semi-fabricated precious metal

6. Consideration of applications and principles of administrative justice

7. Issue and renewal of refining licences

8. Issue and renewal of precious metal beneficiation licence

9. Issue and renewal of jewellers' permits

10. Permit to import precious metals

11. Cancellation of licences, permits and certificates

12. Export of precious metals

13. Transportation and conveyance of precious metals

14. Authorised dealer entitled to buy precious metal in any form

15. Register of transactions to be kept by certain persons dealing in unwrought precious me

16. Powers of police to inspect, search and seize

17. Identification prior to entry, and resistance against entry

18. Entry and search of premises without warrant

19. Disposal of items seized by member of South African Police Service

20. Offences and penalties

21. Disposal of precious metal

22. Database for precious metals

23. Regulations

24. Repeal of law, transitional provisions and savings

25. Short title and commencement