Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986)


Sectional Titles Regulations


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The person who signs a preparation certificate contemplated in regulations 16A(1) or 16B(1) accepts responsibility for the correctness of the undermentioned facts stated in the deeds or documents concerned or which are relevant in connection with the registration or filing thereof, namely—

(a)that all copies of the deeds or documents intended for execution or registration are identical at the date of lodgment;
(b)that, in the case of a deed of transfer, certificate of title or certificate of registration, all the applicable conditions of title have been correctly brought forward in that deed of transfer, certificate of title or certificate of registration;
(c)that, in the case of a document referred to in regulation 16B(1) signed by a person in his or her capacity as executor, trustee, tutor, curator, liquidator, judicial manager or a person in a representative capacity, from perusal of documents evidencing such appointment exhibited to him or her, such person has in fact been appointed in that capacity and acts in accordance with the powers granted to him or her and that any security required has been furnished to the Master of the High Court;
(d)that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief and after due enquiry, including but not limited to the examination of supporting documents, has been made—
(i)the names, identity number or date of birth and marital status of any natural person being a party to a deed or document, are correctly disclosed in such deed or document and in the case of any other person, its name and registered number, if any, are correctly disclosed in that deed or document;
(ii)in the case of a document referred to in regulation 16B(1)—
(aa)that the necessary authority has been obtained for the signing of such document in a representative capacity on behalf of a natural person, company, close corporation, church, association, society, trust, other body of persons or an institution, whether created by statute or otherwise;

[Regulation 16C(d)(ii)(aa) substituted by regulation 3 of Notice No. R. 548 dated 30 June 2015]

(bb)that the transaction as disclosed therein, is authorized by and in accordance with the constitution, regulations, founding statement or trust instrument of a trust, as the case may be, of·any church, association, close corporation, society, trust, other body of persons or any other institution, created by statute or otherwise, other than a company, except a share block company as defined in the Share Blocks Control Act, 1980 (Act No. 59 of 1980), being a party to such document;
(cc)the person, entity, body of persons, whether created by statute or otherwise, is entitled to and contractually capable of concluding the transaction disclosed in the deed or document lodged for registration; and
(e)that, in the case where a person signs the preparation certificate on a deed of transfer, certificate of title, certificate of registration, other deed conveying ownership in land or a sectional mortgage bond, he or she accepts responsibility that the particulars in the deed mentioned in paragraph (d)(i), have been brought forward correctly from the special power of attorney or application relating thereto.


[Regulation 16C substituted by regulation 2 of Notice No. R. 1264 dated 28 November 2008]