Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986)


Sectional Titles Regulations

17. Alienation and letting of common property

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[Regulation 17 heading substituted by regulation 2 of Notice No. R. 438 dated 13 May 2005]


(1)[Regulation 17(1) deleted by regulation 14(a) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]


(2)Simultaneously with the registration of a transfer referred to in section 17(3)(a) or 19(3) of the Act, the registrar shall make an endorsement under his signature on the schedule of conditions referred to in section 11(3)(b) of the Act.

[Regulation 17(2) substituted by regulation 14(b) of Notice No. R. 2653 dated 8 November 1991]


(3)Any sectional title deed registered pursuant to section 17(3) or 19(3) of the Act shall simultaneously be re-registered as a deed of transfer under the Deeds Registries Act in the form of Form H in Annexure 1 where common property has been alienated, and in the form of Form AU in Annexure 1 where common property has been expropriated.

[Regulation 17(3) substituted by regulation 4 of the Sectional Titles Amendment Regulations, 2025, Notice No. 5941, GG52208, dated 3 March 2025: effective 1 April 2025]


(4)The registrar shall register a cession of a servitude or other real right in terms of section 19 of the Act by virtue of a deed of cession in the form of Form M in Annexure 1.