Division 2 - Pollution prevention services

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31. Survey of ship for IOPP certificate

32. Survey of ship for INLS certificate

33. Survey of ship for ISPP certificate

34. Survey of ship for IAPP Certificate

35. Survey of ship for BCH Code certificate

36. Survey of offshore installation for pollution safety certificate

37. Approval of a Ballast Water Management Plan

38. Survey of ship for the issue of a Ballast Water Management certificate

39. Survey of a ship for Polar Code Certificates

40. Civil Liability Convention insurance certificates

41. Inspection of ships, equipment and documents under MARPOL

42. Inspection of cargo spaces under Annex II to MARPOL

43. Provisional assessment of noxious liquid substances

44. Transhipment of oil and other harmful substances

45. Permission for immobilisation, lay-up, stopping or anchoring within territorial waters or internal waters outside any harbour or fishing harbour