South African Reserve Bank Act, 1989 (Act No. 90 of 1989)

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Notice No. 1203 of 1989


1. Definitions

2. South African Reserve Bank a juristic person

3. Primary objective of Bank

4. Board of directors

4A. Functions and powers of Board

5. Tenure and conditions of office of directors

6. Casual vacancies

7. Procedure and quorum

8. Delegation of powers

9. Validity of Board's decisions and acts

10. Powers and duties of Bank

10A. Maintenance by banks of minimum reserve balances in accounts with Bank

11. Appointment of inspectors

12. Inspection of affairs of person, partnership, close corporation, company or other juristic person not registered as bank or mutual bank

13. Prohibited business

14. Issue of banknotes and coins

15. Monetary unit

16. Denominations, material, standard mass and standard fineness of coins

17. Legal tender

18. References to amounts in terms of coins issued under Coinage Act, 1922

19. Powers of Minister in respect of coins

20. Bank exempt from tax on banknotes

21. Share capital of Bank

22. Restriction of right to hold or acquire shares in Bank

23. Votes

24. Allocation of surplus

25. Statutory price of gold and Gold Price Adjustment Account

26. Foreign Exchange Adjustment Account

27. Forward Exchange Contracts Adjustment Account

28. Gold and Foreign Exchange Contingency Reserve Account

29. Returns in connection with and auditing of certain accounts

30. Audit and inspection

31. Report by Governor

32. Furnishing of information to Department of Finance and to Parliament

33. Preservation of secrecy

34. Offences and penalties

35. Rules by Board

36. Regulations

37. Proceedings by Minister in case of non-compliance with Act or regulations by Bank

38. Liquidation

39. [Repealed]

40. Repeal of laws, and savings

41. Short title and commencement
