Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act, 1982 (Act No. 19 of 1982)

38. Correction of errors

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(1)The registrar may authorize—
(a)the correction of any clerical error or error in translation appearing in any document submitted or issued in terms of this Act, or in a register kept in terms of this Act;
(b)the amendment of any document for the amendment of which no express provision is made in this Act;
(c)the condonation or correction of any irregularity in procedure in any proceedings before him or her, if such condonation or correction is not detrimental to the interests of any person.


(2)The registrar may exercise the authority under subsection (1) of his or her own accord or upon request in writing.


(3)Where the registrar intends exercising his or her authority under  subsection (1) of his or her own accord, he or she shall give notice of his or her intention to any person who in his or her opinion has an interest in the matter, and shall give such person an opportunity of being heard before exercising his or her authority.