First Schedule

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1. Definitions

2. [Repealed]

3. Application of code beyond area of compulsory service

4. Offences endangering safety of forces

5. Offences by a person in command of troops, vessels or aircraft

6. Offences in relation to conduct in action

7. Offences relating to failure to report activities likely to endanger safety of force

8. Offences relating to signals, watchwords and disclosure of information

9. Interference with aircraft, vehicles, vessels, etc

10. Mutiny

11. Interference with guards, sentries, etc

12. Dereliction of duty by sentry, watchkeeper, etc

13. Desertion

14. Absence without leave and non-attendance where required to attend

15. Assaulting superior officer

16. Assaulting or ill-treating subordinate

17. Using threatening, insubordinate or insulting language

18. Malingering, feigning or producing disease, maiming, etc

19. Disobeying lawful commands or orders

20. Theft of public property or property belonging to comrade, mess, etc

21. Offences in relation to the acquisition or disposal of public property

22. Causing or allowing a vessel or aircraft to be hazarded, stranded or wrecked

23. Abandoning or diverting public property or supplies

24. Negligently losing kit, equipment, arms, etc

25. Negligently or wilfully causing damage to or destruction of public property

26. Deficiencies in stores, etc

27. Using or taking article issued to or under control of another person

28. Offences in relation to the driving of vehicles and the flying of aircraft

29. Fraudulent enlistment

30. False statements in official documents

31. False accusations or statements

32. Scandalous behaviour

33. Drunkenness

34. Offences in relation to a military court

35. False evidence before a military court

36. Refusing to answer questions or produce documents or giving false evidence at preliminary investigation, summary trial or board of inquiry

37. Obstruction in relation to the arrest, custody or confinement of a person subject to the code

38. Offences in relation to arrest

39. Resisting arrest

40. Offences in relation to a person in custody

41. False complaints in writing

42. Offences in relation to the redress of wrongs

43. False representations concerning rank

44. Offences in relation to decorations or medals

45. Riotous or unseemly behaviour

46. Conduct to the prejudice of military discipline

47. Civil offences committed outside the Republic

48. Aiding, abetting, inciting, etc

49. Defeating the course of justice

50. Attempt

51. Alternative punishments

52. Arrest

53. Search

54. Jurisdiction of civil courts

55. Person convicted or acquitted not to be tried again

56. Civil offence may be tried under code

57. Territorial jurisdiction of military courts

58. Prescription of offences

59. Trial under code when accused no longer subject to code

60. Person arrested to be brought before officer

60A. [Repealed]

61. [Repealed]

62. [Repealed]

63. [Repealed]

64. [Repealed]

65. [Repealed]

65A. [Repealed]

66. [Repealed]

67. [Repealed]

68. [Repealed]

69. Trial of more than one person

70. [Repealed]

71. [Repealed]

72. [Repealed]

73. [Repealed]

74. [Repealed]

75. [Repealed]

76. [Repealed]

77. [Repealed]

78. [Repealed]

79. Deleted

80. How charge to be framed

81. More than one charge may be joined in same charge sheet

82. Joinder of persons

83. [Repealed]

84. Rules of evidence applicable in civil courts to apply also in military courts

85. Evidence must be given viva voce and in open court

86. [Repealed]

87. [Repealed]

88. Alternative verdicts

89. How finding and sentence of military court to be arrived at under certain circumstances

90. [Repealed]

91. [Repealed]

92. One sentence imposed in respect of all the charges

93. Certain provisions to apply in case of particular punishments

94. [Repealed]

95. Court may where applicable, order deductions or forfeitures of pay

96. [Repealed]

97. Acquittal is not subject to confirmation

98. [Repealed]

99. [Repealed]

100. [Repealed]

101. [Repealed]

102. [Repealed]

103. [Repealed]

104. [Repealed]

105. [Repealed]

106. [Repealed]

107. Reasons for adjustment

108. [Repealed]

109. [Repealed]

110. [Repealed]

111. [Repealed]

112. [Repealed]

113. Prosecutor may make representations to council of review

114. Council of review to hear argument in certain cases

115. [Repealed]

116. Reviewed finding or sentence deemed to be finding or sentence of military court

117. [Repealed]

118. When sentence commences

119. Where sentences of imprisonment, detention or field punishment to be served

120. State President may establish prisons and detention barracks and make regulations in regard thereto

121. How sentences of imprisonment and detention imposed outside the Republic to be served

122. Person in charge of prison, etc, must receive and detain person charged under code

123. Unsoundness of mind at time of commission of offence

124. Unsoundness of mind while under arrest or in custody

125. Unsoundness of mind upon arraignment or during trial in Republic

126. Unsoundness of mind upon arraignment or during trial outside the RepublicNew Link

127. Only authorized deductions may be made from pay

128. Forfeitures of pay

129. Deductions from pay

130. Fine may be deducted from pay

131. Maintenance orders

132. Garnishee orders

133. General Officer Commanding may remit deductions or forfeitures

134. Redress of wrongs

135. Board of inquiry in relation to absence without leave

136. Boards of inquiry

137. Attendance of witnesses at and composition of board of inquiry

138. Attendance of witnesses at military courts, preliminary investigations or boards of inquiry

139. Competent but not compellable witness giving evidence outside the Republic

140. Evidence

141. How persons arrested for desertion or absence without leave to be dealt with

142. Orders by General Officer Commanding may be signed by order, instruction or letter

143. Registrar or clerk of a civil court must furnish particulars of trial by civil court of persons subject to code

144. Members of South African Defence Force deemed to have been properly arrested or enrolled in certain circumstances

145. [Repealed]

146. [Repealed]

147. Appointment and powers of chief disciplinary officer and assistants

148. Restitution or confiscation of property

149. Field punishment

150. Exercise of powers vested in holders of military office

151. Contempt of military court by person not subject to the code

152. Corporal punishment may not be imposed

153. Defending officer as a witness

154. Trials commenced prior to commencement of code