Electricity Act, 1987  (Act No. 41 of 1987)

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Notice No. 1894 of 1987


1. Definitions

2. [Repealed] National Electricity Regulator

2A. [Repealed] Juristic Personality of Regulator

3. Objects of Regulator

4. Functions of Regulator

5. [Repealed] Composition of Regulator

5A. [Repealed] Appointment and Functions of Chief Executive Officer

5B. Funds of Regulator

5C. [Repealed] Accounting and Accountability

5D. [Repealed] Reporting

6. Undertaking to be carried on under License

7. Application for License

8. Form and conditions of License

9. Schedule of approved Tariffs in terms of License, and Revision thereof

10. Duties of Licensee

11. Failure to carry out Conditions of Supply

12. Failure of Licensee to meet Obligations

13. Prohibition on Transfer of Right to Supply without Approval of Regulator

14. Compensation for Assets of Undertakings taken in Possession or Take Over

15. Sale and Supply of Electricity within area of Jurisdiction of Local Authority

16. Proposed Erection or Enlargement of Power Stations by Local Authorities

17. Exclusion of Supply in area of Local Authority

18. Permission to use Water of Public Stream

19. Expropriation of Land and Interests in Land

20. Requirements regarding Generating Plant

21. [Repealed] Appeals from Decisions of Regulator

22. Regulator's powers of Entry, Inspection and Calling for Returns

23. Undertaker's powers of Entry and Inspection

24. Lines, Meters and other Apparatus are not Fixtures

25. Breaking up of Streets by Undertaker

26. Liability of Undertaker for Damage or Injury

27. Offences and Penalties

28. Regulations

29. Delegation of Powers

30. [Repealed]

31. Repeal of Laws, and Savings

32. Short Title and Commencement
