Part I : Provisions for the Non-Metro Areas |
2. Period of Operation of this Part of the Agreement
6. Information Concerning Remuneration
7. Deductions and Other Matters Concerning Remuneration
12. Payment for Work on a Sunday
17. Family Responsibility Leave
21. Termination of Contract of Employment
24. Uniforms, Overalls and Protective Clothing
26. Written Particulars of Employment
28. Keeping of this Part of the Agreement
35. Trade Union Access to Workplace
36. Deduction/Payment of Trade Union Subscriptions or Levies
37. Trade Union"s Representatives on the Council
38. Disputes in Regard to Organisational Rights
39. Terms and Conditions more Favourable
40. Frequency of Negotiations and Industrial Action
41. Atypical Work, Outsourcing and Subcontracting
42. Provident Fund Contributions
50. Employment Equity Act Amendments - Code of Good Practice