- Banks Act, 1990 (Act No. 94 of 1990)
- Regulations
- Conditions for the conducting of the business of a Bank by a Foreign Institution by means of a branch in the Republic
- Regulations relating to Banks' Financial Instrument Trading
- Regulations relating to Representative Offices
- Regulations relating to Banks
- Notice No. R. 1029 of 2012
- Chapter I : Basis of Regulations
- Chapter II : Financial, Risk-based and other related Returns and Instructions, Directives and Interpretations relating to the completion thereof
- 7. Forms prescribed: financial, risk-based and other related returns to be submitted to the Authority with indication of institution by which, intervals at which and period within which returns shall be submitted
- 8. Calculation of averages
- 9. Gross balances
- 10. Maturity classification
- 11. Reference to line item numbers
- 12. Revaluation surplus ranking as common equity tier 1 or additional tier 1 unimpaired reserve funds
- 13. Set-off
- 14. Trading activities
- 15. Accrued interest and amounts
- 16. Cash-management schemes
- 17. Assets sold or acquired in terms of a repurchase or resale agreement
- 18. Balance sheet
- 19. Off-balance sheet activities
- 20. Income statement
- 21. Return regarding shareholders
- 22. Investments, loans and advances
- 23. Credit risk: monthly return
- [Deleted] Form BA 200
- Directives and interpretations for completion of monthly return concerning credit risk (Form BA 200)
- Subregulations (1) to (4)
- Subregulation (5) Calculation of credit risk exposure: standardised approach
- Subregulation (6) Method 1: Calculation of credit risk exposure in terms of the simplified standardised approach
- Subregulation (7) Credit risk mitigation: simplified standardised approach
- Subregulation (8) Method 2: Calculation of credit risk exposure in terms of the standardised approach
- Subregulation (9) Credit risk mitigation: standardised approach
- Subregulation (10) Calculation of credit risk exposure: IRB approach
- Subregulation (11) Method 1 : Calculation of credit risk exposure in terms of the foundation IRB approach
- Subregulation (12) Credit risk mitigation: foundation IRB approach
- Subregulation (13) Method 2: Calculation of credit-risk exposure in terms of the advanced IRB approach
- Subregulation (14) Credit-risk mitigation: advanced IRB approach
- Subregulation (15) Counterparty credit risk exposure and matters related thereto
- Subregulation (16) Exposure to Central Counterparties and matters related thereto
- Subregulation (17) Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivative instruments and matters related thereto
- Subregulation (18) Calculation of counterparty credit exposure or EAD in terms of the standardised approach
- Subregulation (19) Calculation of counterparty credit exposure in terms of the internal model method
- Subregulation (20) Specific matters relating to delivery--versus-payment transactions, and non-delivery-versus-payment or free-delivery transactions
- Subregulation (21) Expected loss
- Subregulation (22) Credit impairment
- Subregulation (23) Instructions relating to the completion of the monthly form BA200 are furnished with reference to the headings and item descriptions of specified columns and line items appearing on form BA200
- Items relating to the summary of selected credit risk related information: standardised approach
- Columns relating to summary of on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet credit exposure: standardised approach, items 14 to 34
- Items relating to reconciliation of credit impairment: standardised approach
- Columns relating to credit capital requirements based on risk weights: standardised approach, items 47 to 69
- Columns relating to counterparty credit risk based on specified risk weights: standardised approach, items 80 to 86
- Columns relating to counterparty credit risk analysis of standardised CVA risk weighted exposure: standardised approach, items 87 to 94
- Columns relating to analysis of central counterparty trade exposure: standardised approach,
items 95 to 98
- Columns relating to analysis of central counterparty trade exposure: standardised approach, items 100 to 103
- Columns relating to analysis of non-qualifying central counterparty default fund guarantees: standardarised approach, items 101 and 102
- Items relating to summary of selected credit risk related information: IRB approach
- Columns relating to summary of on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet credit exposure: IRB approach, items 124 to 151
- Columns relating to capital requirement in respect of specialised lending subject to specified risk weights and specified risk grades: IRB approach, items 152 to 161
- Items relating to reconciliation of credit impairments: IRB approach
- Columns relating to analysis of past due exposure (EAD): IRB approach, items 219 to 246
- Columns relating to counterparty credit risk: IRB approach, items 247 to 275
- Items relating to counterparty credit risk analysis of netting: IRB approach
- Columns relating to counterparty credit risk analysis of standardised CVA risk weighted exposure: IRB approach, items 277 to 284
- Columns relating to analysis of central counterparty trade exposure: IRB approach, items 285 to 288
- Columns relating to analysis of qualifying central counterparty default fund guarantees: IRB approach, items 289 and 290
- Columns relating to analysis of non-qualifying central counterparty default fund guarantees: IRB approach, items 291 and 292
- Columns relating to analysis of performing credit exposure, that is, EAD, analysed by effective maturity, items 308 to 320
- 24. Credit risk: quarterly return
- 25. Credit risk: six monthly return
- 26. Liquidity risk
- 27. Minimum reserve balance and liquid assets
- 28. Market risk
- 29. Daily return: selected risk exposure arising from trading and treasury activities
- 30. Interest-rate risk: Banking book
- 31. Equity risk in the banking book
- 32. Derivative instruments
- 33. Operational risk: six-monthly return
- 34. Operational risk: six-monthly return
- 35. Securitisation schemes and related exposure
- 36. Consolidated supervision: consolidated return
- 37. Consolidated supervision: foreign operations of South African Banks
- 38. Capital Adequacy, Leverage and TLAC
- Chapter III : Corporate Governance
- Chapter IV : Application Procedures
- Chapter V : Prescribed Fees
- Chapter VI : Information required by the Registrar and the Economic Research and Statistics Department of the Reserve Bank
- 61. Forms prescribed: returns to be submitted to the Authority and the Economic Statistics Department of the South African Reserve Bank with indication of institution by which, intervals at which and period within which returns shall be submitted
- 62. Institutional and maturity breakdown of liabilities and assets - Directives and interpretations for completion of return concerning institutional and maturity breakdown of liabilities and assets (Form BA 900)
- [Deleted] Form BA 900
- Directives and interpretations for completion of monthly return concerning institutional and maturity breakdown of liabilities and assets (Form BA 900)
- Subregulations (1) to (5)
- Subregulation (6)
- Subregulation (7)
- Columns relating to liabilities, tables 1 and 2
- Columns relating to liabilities, tables 3 and 4
- Column relating to equity, table 5
- Line items relating to liabilities and equity, tables 1 to 5
- Columns relating to assets, tables 6 to 14
- Line items relating to assets, tables 6 to 14
- Line items relating to contingent liabilities and other risk exposure, table 15
- Columns relating to selected items, table 16
- Line item relating to selected items, table 16
- Columns relating to securitisation activity, table 17
- Line item relating to securitisation activity, table 17
- Columns relating to assets temporarily acquired, table 18
- Line items relating to assets temporarily acquired, table 18
- Columns relating to assets lent to other parties, table 19
- Line item relating to assets lent to other parties, table 19
- Columns relating to flows in respect of selected liability and asset items, tables 20 and 21
- Subregulation (8)
- 63. Analysis of instalment sale transactions, leasing transactions and selected assets - Directives and interpretations for completion of return concerning analysis of instalment sale transactions, leasing transactions and selected assets (Form BA 920)
- 64. Interest rates on deposits, loans and advances - Directives and interpretations for completion of return concerning interest rates on deposits, loans and advances (Form BA 930)
- 65. Selected locational statistics based on residence and nationality - Directives and interpretations for completion of return concerning locational statistics based on residence and nationality (Form BA 940)
- 66. Institutional sector classification
- Chapter VII : Definitions and General Provisions
- Notices